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姓名/ Name |
林裕展 / James Lin |
職稱/ Title |
主任 / Director |
分機/ Ext. |
1601 |
電子郵件/ Email |
pr0001@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
業務職掌 |
Job Description |
1. 擔任本校發言人 |
1. Serve as the spokesperson of the school |
2. 擔任本校危機處理小組委員 |
2. Serve as a member of the Crisis Management Committee |
3. 規劃本校公共關係之方向 |
3. Devise a direction for the school in the area of public relations |
4. 學校形象之建立 |
4. Establish a school image |
5. 建立與媒體之良好互動關係 |
5. Establish a good relationship with media |
6. 與校友會保持良好關係 |
6. Maintain a good relationship with alumni associations, build up social network and explore new resources |
7. 教育基金業務之推動 |
7. Promote the operation of education fund |
8. 重要慶典活動宣傳及貴賓接待 |
8. Promote important school ceremonies, activities and receive guests |
9. 規劃本校書面簡介、及光碟簡介 |
9. Design school pamphlets, various admission-related materials, and CD |
10. 抱怨處理及反映 |
10. Handle complaints |
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姓名/ Name |
伍美華 / Margaret Wu |
職稱/ Title |
組員 / Specialist |
分機/ Ext. |
1602 |
電子郵件/ Email |
業務職掌 |
Job Description |
1. 年度募款計劃與對象之研擬與聯繫 |
1. Oversee the annual fund-raising program and contact potential donors |
2. 募款活動策劃、設計與執行 |
2. In charge of planning, design, and execution of fund-raising activities |
3. 推動教育基金委員會業務 |
3. Promote the affairs of the EducationFoundation Committee |
4. 捐款人之關係維護與服務 |
4. Maintain proper relationships with donors and provide necessary services |
5. 捐款帳務處理 |
5. Manage fund-raising accounts |
6. 行銷提案 |
6. Write the marketing proposal |
7. 學校紀念品業務 |
7. Design and manufacturing of various school promotion goods |
8. 駐校藝術家及作家遴選業務 |
8. In charge of the Selection of Artists and Writers-in-Residense |
9. 協助今日文藻之發行 |
9. Assist the publication of “Wenzao Today” |
10. 其他公關室主任交辦事項 |
10. Handle other tasks assigned by the director |
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姓名/ Name |
張聖慈 / Christine Chang |
職稱/ Title |
組員 / Specialist |
分機/ Ext. |
1606 |
電子郵件/ Email |
業務職掌 |
Job Description |
1. 校友會服務窗口 |
1. Serve as the school contact person for various alumni associations |
2. 舉辦校友活動 |
2. Hold various alumni activities |
3. 校友資料建立、維護與更新 |
3. Establish, maintain, and update the alumni database |
4. 校友服務 |
4. Provide various alumni services |
5. 校友網頁管理與維護 |
5. Manage and maintain the school alumni website |
6. 執行高教深耕計畫 |
6. Handle “The Higher Education Sprout Project” |
7. 今日文藻之發行 |
7. Assist the publication of “Wenzao Today” |
8. 公關室親善大使團召募與管理 |
6. Recruit and manage Wenzao GoodwillAmbassadors |
9. 其他公關室主任交辦事項 |
9. Handle other tasks assigned by the director |
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姓名/ Name |
謝淑如 / Olivia Hsieh |
職稱/ Title |
組員 / Specialist |
分機/ Ext. |
1603 |
電子郵件/ Email |
pr0003@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
業務職掌 |
Job Description |
1. 公共關係之建立與策進 |
1. Promote and establish public relations |
2. 新聞發布與蒐集 |
2. Release and collect news |
3. 活動宣傳與貴賓接待 |
3. Promote school events and receive guests |
4. 本校書面簡介、光碟簡介製作 |
4. Produce the annual school pamphlet and school CD |
5. 學校宣傳品之設計及製作 |
5. Design and manufacturing of various school promotion goods |
6. 公關室網頁維護 |
6. Maintain the website of the Office of Public Relations |
7. 協助今日文藻之發行 |
7. Assist the publication of “Wenzao Today” |
8. 公關室財產管理 |
8. Manageoffice property |
9. 公關室預算彙整 | 9.Organize the budget of the Office of Public Relacions | ||
10. 其他公關室主任交辦事項 |
10. Handle other tasks assigned by the director |